Thursday, February 10, 2011

Test Drive Unlimited 2, the early report.

I had Test Drive Unlimited 2 on my STEAM wish list for at least three weeks now. I never really looked into the game much more than watching the video on the store page and scanning through the limited screenshots. Xbox 360 controller support which is sweet for me until I can get a suitable wheel to play my driving game collection (which has grown considerably the past year) is a necessity. Not only was the game very attractive on paper, the low price for the PC version of $39.99 really had me sold. Sure, I won't be getting any Gamerscore on the LIVE profile, but the game does support the STEAM achievement system which is something at the very least to work for.

So I created myself an online persona for the game. My character's handle is "DGGMWX3" so if any of my loyal readers want to get online and run together feel free to add me and we can hook up when I get some time to dedicate to this title. For now I am sticking to the basics, just trying to get a feel for the cars handling and making sensitivity adjustments when I see fit. I am running the little red Jap like car of the first three available. I sure liked the look of that Mustang but man, just like in real life, it was a dog and the slowest, worst handling, worst braking ride of the three. The other car was so forgettable I already forgot about it, and then the lil red rice burner that could came into the picture boasting top stats in all categories of all three available cars. Fuck yeah, I had my first ride, but in the back of my head I'm pissed because this prick cost me a good chunk, and why couldn't I have gone to a Chevy dealer that runs deep and snatch up a new Camaro for fucks sake? Hell, I would settle for the Mopar turd on the advertisement for the game, you know it if you've seen the ad campaign at all.

I'm talking a freaking Dodge Charger? Right? The one they have been using in NASCAR? Yes, that is correct. One of those, with a HEMI, why in the hell couldn't I have chosen to purchase one of those cars, if I had the money of course. Kind of depressing these facts are if you want my opinion. And then to pour salt on the wound, it DOES resemble a 2006 launch graphically. I cannot believe, and neither could my partner here at the blog Randy Hollister, that this game was being passed off as a new release. It seems very dated I must say, and say regrettably, which may be why the low price point? I don't know, but so far my experience with this title is far below the expectations I had for it. It was on my wish list for fucks sake! I don't have another game besides TDU2 on that list, and here, only and hour maybe two into the game I am thinking I got robbed!

Not really. It doesn't look that bad. It really does play smooth, however I was a bit concerned prior to the first launch that the performance would suffer due to several negative posts on the games forum. So, I am glad to say, and knock on wood, that I can work on evaluating this massively multiplayer online racing game (they have their own dildostic title for the game type???) without dealing with the technical side of the game, which will allow me to focus on the core experience. Because we all know, graphics are not as important as fun, addictive game play, and this could be the factor here.

Albeit as short note on what I am starting out on my PC, I wanted to get some early thoughts down so that I can compare my feelings after I have thirty or forty hours into it! Note: If I make it that long...

Keep posted for more news regarding what I am playing to get early impressions on today's hottest games, yesterday's classics, and my favorite shit you people may despise! For now, I am still working on paper, the ideas for a site redesign, the potential switch to a server with our own domain, and what kind of gaming content I think the community would enjoy. If anybody has an idea of what they think could make this place a worthy place on the web to check out, please send it along, I'd love to see what the gamers want!

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