Saturday, December 5, 2009

Man it has been along time.

Mainly because I forgot my account password. I had it written down somewhere, amongst my many notebooks and shit I've saved over the years. Tonight I found the paper and thought, "Why not, let's toss up a post."

My 360 has Facebook access now and I really thought it would change how I felt about the whole social networking thing. I figured it would entice me to use this shit more often. Guess I was wrong. Twice since it released, maybe three times, I've used the service. Now, LAST.FM is another story. It is the bomb. Officially. Very nice, like if you are interested.

Anyhow, thought I'd post on this motherfucker, got some peeps over the house right now, very strange, don't know how to handle it, but I have to attempt to be social.


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